Science vs. the Real World on Mauna Kea

Science vs. the Real World on Mauna Kea

Many view the debate surrounding the Thirty Meter Telescope’s proposed construction on Mauna Kea and Kanaka Maolis’ opposition to it as fundamentally a question of science versus culture. On the benign end, the word “science” has come to connote something close to...
DIY Resistance: Grasp Things At the Root

DIY Resistance: Grasp Things At the Root

I recently attended another sustainability conference at a local university. The experts sat in a half-circle facing their audience in rank-and-file foldable chairs. I, like most of the audience, hoped to hear a brilliant solution to the ongoing destruction of the...

Interview for Deep Green Resistance Radio

April 1, 2014: Deep Green Resistance’s Jennifer Murnan and Kourtney Mitchell interviewed me about police violence against women in San Diego along with the deeply insightful Rachel Ivey for the first episode of DGR Radio:  
The San Salvador: A Legacy of Genocide

The San Salvador: A Legacy of Genocide

What do you see when you look out across San Diego and see the San Salvador being reconstructed? Do you see the first wave of wave upon wave of white settlers who systematically dispossessed California’s indigenous people of their lands? Do you see the beginnings of a...